Saturday, January 22, 2011

How is it already 2011????


It's official.

I'm a terrible blogger!!

But I'll try and be better in the future so don't give up on me :)

We spent a wonderful 2 1/2 weeks in California for Christmas.
Jared and I got to do a lot of fun stuff, like go to West Side Story and The Nutcracker.
And Ethan got to be with a lot of fun babysitters!
Actually he did great during the trip. He loved playing with cousins and opening all his new Christmas presents.

Sadly, this is the only picture I took during our whole trip-
Here is Ethan playing the drums with Jared at my brother Chet's house:

And here are some pictures of a trip to
Hogle Zoo we took in November:

More Random Pictures of Ethan...

Playing Peek-A-Boo in the bath

Playing in the blinds with his feet
(this boy is so funny about his feet!!)

Getting into trouble...

Stealing my water bottle

Looking out his window

I think maybe next year for Halloween I'll let Ethan
be Tom Cruise from Risky Business

Ethan loves going to the dinosaur museum here in Lehi:

Halloween 2010

Ethan "coloring" his pumpkin

In his costume with cousins Cohen and Elliot

Bowling for the first time
(Of coarse he loved it- its a giant ball!)